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Index of English words, starting with "ex"

Showing: 196-200 of 696

Page 40 of 140


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


نمونہ بننا ۔ نظیر دینا ۔
(1) - Exemplify (v. t.) To prove or show by an attested copy.
(2) - Exemplify (v. t.) To copy; to transcribe; to make an attested copy or transcript of, under seal, as of a record.
(3) - Exemplify (v. t.) To show or illustrate by example.


تَمثِیلِی قِصَہ ۔ کَہانِی ۔ سَبَق آموز کَہانِی ۔ تَمثِیل کے طَور پَر بَیان کی جانے والی مِثالِی کَہانِی ۔ کِسی دَعوے کی تَائِید میں دی جانے والی مِثال ۔


آزاد کرنا ۔ معاف کرنا ۔ چھوڑ دینا ۔
(1) - Exempt (a.) To release or deliver from some liability which others are subject to; to except or excuse from he operation of a law; to grant immunity to; to free from obligation; to release; as, to exempt from military duty, or from jury service; to exempt from fear or pain.
(2) - Exempt (a.) To remove; to set apart.
(3) - Exempt (n.) One of four officers of the Yeomen of the Royal Guard, having the rank of corporal; an Exon.
(4) - Exempt (n.) One exempted or freed from duty; one not subject.
(5) - Exempt (a.) Free, or released, from some liability to which others are subject; excepted from the operation or burden of some law; released; free; clear; privileged; -- (with from): not subject to; not liable to; as, goods exempt from execution; a person exempt from jury service.
(6) - Exempt (a.) Extraordinary; exceptional.
(7) - Exempt (a.) Cut off; set apart.


معافی ۔ آزادی ۔ چھٹکارا ۔
(1) - Exemption (n.) The act of exempting; the state of being exempt; freedom from any charge, burden, evil, etc., to which others are subject; immunity; privilege; as, exemption of certain articles from seizure; exemption from military service; exemption from anxiety, suffering, etc.


عَملِ جَرّاحِی کے ذَرِیعے جِسَم کے کِسِی جَوف کو قَطَع کَرنا ۔ پیڑُو کے حَوض کے مَافِیَہ کو قَطَع کَرنا ۔ جَرّاح کا کام کَرنا ۔ کاٹنا ۔ الَگ کَرنا ۔
(1) - Exenterate (v. t.) To take out the bowels or entrails of; to disembowel; to eviscerate; as, exenterated fishes.