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Index of English words, starting with "he"

Showing: 571-575 of 667

Page 115 of 134


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


تبادِل تولید ۔
(1) - Heterogony (n.) The condition of having two or more kinds of flowers, different as to the length of their stamens and pistils.


بے قاعدہ اِملا کا ۔
(1) - Heterographic (a.) Employing the same letters to represent different sounds in different words or syllables; -- said of methods of spelling; as, the ordinary English orthography is heterographic.


غلط یا ہے قاعدہ املا ۔
(1) - Heterography (n.) That method of spelling in which the same letters represent different sounds in different words, as in the ordinary English orthography; e. g., g in get and in ginger.


مُختَلِف انواع سے غیر مماتل ۔ دگِرزاد ۔
(1) - Heterologous (a.) Characterized by heterology; consisting of different elements, or of like elements in different proportions; different; -- opposed to homologous; as, heterologous organs.


دگرپاشِیدگی ۔ دَگَر پاشی ۔ اِتلاف ۔