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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 176-180 of 1113

Page 36 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


کام چلانا ۔ کاروبار کرنا ۔ معاملہ کرنا ۔ گفت و شنید کرنا ۔ انجام دینا ۔ کام کرنا ۔
(1) - Transact (v. i.) To conduct matters; to manage affairs.
(2) - Transact (v. t.) To carry through; to do; perform; to manage; as, to transact commercial business; to transact business by an agent.


سر انجام دیہ ۔ کاروائی ۔ راضی نامہ ۔
(1) - Transaction (n.) An adjustment of a dispute between parties by mutual agreement.
(2) - Transaction (n.) That which is done; an affair; as, the transactions on the exchange.
(3) - Transaction (n.) The doing or performing of any business; management of any affair; performance.


لین دین کے بارے میں ۔ سودے یا کاروائی سے مُتعلّق ۔


مُعاملہ کَرنے والا ۔ کام کَرنے والا ۔ سودا کار ۔ کاروباری ۔
(1) - Transactor (n.) One who transacts, performs, or conducts any business.


کوہ الپس کے پرے رہنے والا ۔
(1) - Transalpine (n.) A native or inhabitant of a country beyond the Alps, that is, out of Italy.
(2) - Transalpine (a.) Being on the farther side of the Alps in regard to Rome, that is, on the north or west side of the Alps; of or pertaining to the region or the people beyond the Alps; as, transalpine Gaul; -- opposed to cisalpine.