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Index of English words, starting with "ca"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بہادر ۔ حسن پرست ۔ جنگی سوار ۔
(1) - Cavalier (a.) Of or pertaining to the party of King Charles I.
(2) - Cavalier (a.) Supercilious; haughty; disdainful; curt; brusque.
(3) - Cavalier (a.) High-spirited.
(4) - Cavalier (a.) Gay; easy; offhand; frank.
(5) - Cavalier (n.) A work of more than ordinary height, rising from the level ground of a bastion, etc., and overlooking surrounding parts.
(6) - Cavalier (n.) One of the court party in the time of king Charles I. as contrasted with a Roundhead or an adherent of Parliament.
(7) - Cavalier (n.) A gay, sprightly, military man; hence, a gallant.
(8) - Cavalier (n.) A military man serving on horseback; a knight.


متکبرانہ ۔
(1) - Cavalierly (adv.) In a supercilious, disdainful, or haughty manner; arrogantly.


تکبر ۔ نخوّت ۔
(1) - Cavalierness (n.) A disdainful manner.


فرس البحر ۔ سمندری گھوڑا ۔ مومی مچھلی ۔
(1) - Cavally (n.) A carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast (Caranx hippos): -- called also horse crevalle. [See Illust. under Carangoid.]


گھوڑے سوار فوج ۔ رسالہ ۔
(1) - Cavalry (n.) That part of military force which serves on horseback.