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Index of English words, starting with "fa"

Showing: 296-300 of 339

Page 60 of 68


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


ایک بام ۔ قدائم ۔
(1) - Fathom (v. t.) The measure by a sounding line; especially, to sound the depth of; to penetrate, measure, and comprehend; to get to the bottom of.
(2) - Fathom (v. t.) To encompass with the arms extended or encircling; to measure by throwing the arms about; to span.
(3) - Fathom (n.) The measure or extant of one's capacity; depth, as of intellect; profundity; reach; penetration.
(4) - Fathom (n.) A measure of length, containing six feet; the space to which a man can extend his arms; -- used chiefly in measuring cables, cordage, and the depth of navigable water by soundings.


قابل لیاقت ۔
(1) - Fathomable (a.) Capable of being fathomed.


گہرائی پَیما ۔ عَمَق پَیما ۔ قعر پَیما ۔


بے تل ۔ عمیق ۔
(1) - Fathomless (a.) Incomprehensible.
(2) - Fathomless (a.) Incapable of being fathomed; immeasurable; that can not be sounded.


پیشین گو ۔ غیب دان ۔
(1) - Fatidical (a.) Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak.