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Index of English words, starting with "ju"

Showing: 146-150 of 159

Page 30 of 32


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اِنصاف ۔ اِنصاف پَر مَبنی ۔ راستی ۔ صداقَت ۔
(1) - Justness (n.) The quality of being just; conformity to truth, propriety, accuracy, exactness, and the like; justice; reasonableness; fairness; equity; as, justness of proportions; the justness of a description or representation; the justness of a cause.


ابھر ا ہوا ۔ ابھار ۔
(1) - Jut (n.) A shove; a push.
(2) - Jut (n.) That which projects or juts; a projection.
(3) - Jut (v. i.) To butt.
(4) - Jut (v. i.) To shoot out or forward; to project beyond the main body; as, the jutting part of a building.


پٹ سن ۔ جرمن قوم کے باشندے ۔
(1) - Jute (n.) The coarse, strong fiber of the East Indian Corchorus olitorius, and C. capsularis; also, the plant itself. The fiber is much used for making mats, gunny cloth, cordage, hangings, paper, etc.


جُٹ قَبیلے سے مُتعلِق ۔


طفلی سے جوانی میں قدم رکھنا ۔
(1) - Juvenescence (n.) A growing young.