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Index of English words, starting with "ri"

Showing: 116-120 of 269

Page 24 of 54


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مناسب ۔ معقول ۔ واجب ۔
(1) - Rightful (a.) Belonging, held, or possessed by right, or by just claim; as, a rightful inheritance; rightful authority.
(2) - Rightful (a.) Having the right or just claim according to established laws; being or holding by right; as, the rightful heir to a throne or an estate; a rightful king.
(3) - Rightful (a.) Consonant to justice; just; as, a rightful cause.
(4) - Rightful (a.) Righteous; upright; just; good; -- said of persons.


مُنصِفانَہ طَور پَر ۔ قانُونی ، جائز طَور پَر ۔
(1) - Rightfully (adv.) According to right or justice.


راست بازی ۔ جواز ۔
(1) - Rightfulness (n.) Moral rectitude; righteousness.
(2) - Rightfulness (n.) The quality or state of being rightful; accordance with right and justice.


نیک دل ۔


قَدامَت پَرَستوں کے اصُول ۔ رَجعت پَسَندانَہ اعمال و خَیالات کی حِمایَت ۔