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Index of English words, starting with "sp"

Showing: 146-150 of 808

Page 30 of 162


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


علم کی ایک شاخ تک خود کو محدُود کر دینا ۔
(1) - Specialism (n.) Devotion to a particular and restricted part or branch of knowledge, art, or science; as, medical specialism.


ماہر خصوصی ۔
(1) - Specialist (n.) One who devotes himself to some specialty; as, a medical specialist, one who devotes himself to diseases of particular parts of the body, as the eye, the ear, the nerves, etc.


خُصوصی مُہارَت کا ۔


مَخصُوص صِفات ۔
(1) - Specialities (pl. ) of Speciality


خصوصیت ۔ مخصوص ۔ خاص چیز ۔
(1) - Speciality (n.) An attribute or quality peculiar to a species.
(2) - Speciality (n.) The special or peculiar mark or characteristic of a person or thing; that for which a person is specially distinguished; an object of special attention; a special occupation or object of attention; a specialty.
(3) - Speciality (n.) See Specialty, 3.
(4) - Speciality (n.) A particular or peculiar case; a particularity.