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Index of English words, starting with "te"

Showing: 536-540 of 654

Page 108 of 131


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پرکھنے کے قابل ۔
(1) - Testable (a.) Capable of being devised, or given by will.
(2) - Testable (a.) Capable of being tested or proved.


صدفی ۔ صدف دار ۔ صَدَفی قسم کے جانوروں میں سے کوئی جانور ۔ جس کی کھال یا خول سخت اور ٹھوس ہو ۔
(1) - Testacean (n.) Onr of the Testacea.


صدفدار ۔ سخت خول کا ۔ صدفی ۔ صدف ماہی کے متعلق ۔
(1) - Testaceous (a.) Having a dull red brick color or a brownish yellow color.
(2) - Testaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or having a hard shell.


قانونی وصیت نامہ ۔
(1) - Testacy (n.) The state or circumstance of being testate, or of leaving a valid will, or testament, at death.


وصیت نامہ ۔
(1) - Testament (n.) One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures, in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in colloquial language, to the latter.
(2) - Testament (n.) A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his will as to disposal of his estate and effects after his death.