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Index of English words, starting with "wa"

Showing: 171-175 of 428

Page 35 of 86


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


سپاہ شماری ۔ مردم و اسلحہ شماری ۔


ٹیڑھا جبڑا ۔ نیچے جُھکا ہوا ٹیڑھا ہوا ۔


جنگ کرنا ۔ لڑ کر شکست دینا ۔ جنگ ۔ لڑائی ۔
(1) - War (v. t.) To carry on, as a contest; to wage.
(2) - War (v. t.) To make war upon; to fight.
(3) - War (v. i.) To contend; to strive violently; to fight.
(4) - War (v. i.) To make war; to invade or attack a state or nation with force of arms; to carry on hostilities; to be in a state by violence.
(5) - War (n.) a state of opposition or contest; an act of opposition; an inimical contest, act, or action; enmity; hostility.
(6) - War (n.) The profession of arms; the art of war.
(7) - War (n.) Forces; army.
(8) - War (n.) Instruments of war.
(9) - War (n.) A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force. In this sense, levying war against the sovereign authority is treason.
(10) - War (n.) A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities.
(11) - War (a.) Ware; aware.


جنگی گھوڑا ۔ وہ گھوڑا جِسے جنگ میں استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ۔ فرس ۔


ایک خوش الحان پرندہ ۔
(1) - Warble (n.) A quavering modulation of the voice; a musical trill; a song.
(2) - Warble (v. i.) To sing with sudden changes from chest to head tones; to yodel.
(3) - Warble (v. i.) To sing in a trilling manner, or with many turns and variations.
(4) - Warble (v. i.) To be quavered or modulated; to be uttered melodiously.
(5) - Warble (v. t.) To cause to quaver or vibrate.
(6) - Warble (v. t.) To utter musically; to modulate; to carol.
(7) - Warble (v. t.) To sing in a trilling, quavering, or vibratory manner; to modulate with turns or variations; to trill; as, certain birds are remarkable for warbling their songs.
(8) - Warble (n.) See Wormil.
(9) - Warble (n.) A small tumor produced by the larvae of the gadfly in the backs of horses, cattle, etc. Called also warblet, warbeetle, warnles.
(10) - Warble (n.) A small, hard tumor which is produced on the back of a horse by the heat or pressure of the saddle in traveling.