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Ejaculation meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

یکایک اظہار ۔ فقرہ جو اچانک بولا گیا ہو ۔ انزال ۔ نِکال پھینکنا ۔ انزال ۔ سیمَن کا اچانَک اخراج ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Ejaculation (n.) The act of ejecting or suddenly throwing, as a fluid from a duct.
(2) - Ejaculation (n.) The uttering of a short, sudden exclamation or prayer, or the exclamation or prayer uttered.
(3) - Ejaculation (n.) The act of throwing or darting out with a sudden force and rapid flight.

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