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Index of English words, starting with "as"

Showing: 136-140 of 302

Page 28 of 61


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جمع کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Assembler (n.) One who assembles a number of individuals; also, one of a number assembled.


فوجوں کا اجتماع ۔
(1) - Assembly (n.) A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
(2) - Assembly (n.) A collection of inanimate objects.
(3) - Assembly (n.) A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social entertainment.


منظور کرنا ۔ تسلیم کرنا ۔ راضی ہونا ۔ قبول کرنا ۔
(1) - Assent (v.) The act of assenting; the act of the mind in admitting or agreeing to anything; concurrence with approval; consent; agreement; acquiescence.
(2) - Assent (v. t.) To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement, acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.


خُوشامَد کے طَور پَر مان لینا ۔ جی حَضُوری ۔
(1) - Assentation (n.) Insincere, flattering, or obsequious assent; hypocritical or pretended concurrence.


ماننے والا ۔
(1) - Assenter (n.) One who assents.