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Index of English words, starting with "po"

Showing: 96-100 of 725

Page 20 of 145


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


تَقطِیب نُما ۔
(1) - Polariscopic (a.) Of or pertaining to the polariscope; obtained by the use of a polariscope; as, polariscopic observations.


قطب نمائی کی خاصیت ۔ قطبی میلان ۔
(1) - Polarity (n.) A property of the conic sections by virtue of which a given point determines a corresponding right line and a given right line determines a corresponding point. See Polar, n.
(2) - Polarity (n.) That quality or condition of a body in virtue of which it exhibits opposite, or contrasted, properties or powers, in opposite, or contrasted, parts or directions; or a condition giving rise to a contrast of properties corresponding to a contrast of positions, as, for example, attraction and repulsion in the opposite parts of a magnet, the dissimilar phenomena corresponding to the different sides of a polarized ray of light, etc.


قابِلِ تَقطِیب ۔
(1) - Polarizable (a.) Susceptible of polarization.


تَقطِیب ۔ تَقطیبِ نُور ۔ قُطبِیَت کی پَیداوار ۔ قُطبِیَت کا حَصُول ۔
(1) - Polarization (n.) An effect produced upon the plates of a voltaic battery, or the electrodes in an electrolytic cell, by the deposition upon them of the gases liberated by the action of the current. It is chiefly due to the hydrogen, and results in an increase of the resistance, and the setting up of an opposing electro-motive force, both of which tend materially to weaken the current of the battery, or that passing through the cell.
(2) - Polarization (n.) A peculiar affection or condition of the rays of light or heat, in consequence of which they exhibit different properties in different directions.
(3) - Polarization (n.) The act of polarizing; the state of being polarized, or of having polarity.


حرارت اور روشنی وغیرہ کی شعاعوں پر ایسا اثر ڈالنا کہ ان کے دونوں سروں پر مختلف خاصیتیں پیدا ہو جائیں ۔ الفاظ کو خاص معنی دینا ۔
(1) - Polarize (v. t.) To communicate polarity to.