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Index of English words, starting with "po"

Showing: 136-140 of 725

Page 28 of 145


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


شائستگی سے ۔
(1) - Politely (adv.) In a polite manner; with politeness.
(2) - Politely (adv.) In a polished manner; so as to be smooth or glossy.


خوش خلقی ۔ مروت ۔ خلق ۔
(1) - Politeness (n.) The quality or state of being polite; refinement of manners; urbanity; courteous behavior; complaisance; obliging attentions.
(2) - Politeness (n.) High finish; smoothness; burnished elegance.


درست ۔ راست ۔ سیاسیات ۔ سیاسی عقیدہ ۔
(1) - Politic (n.) A politician.
(2) - Politic (a.) Sagacious in promoting a policy; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management; devoted to a scheme or system rather than to a principle; hence, in a good sense, wise; prudent; sagacious; and in a bad sense, artful; unscrupulous; cunning; -- said of persons.
(3) - Politic (a.) Pertaining to, or promoting, a policy, especially a national policy; well-devised; adapted to its end, whether right or wrong; -- said of things; as, a politic treaty.
(4) - Politic (a.) Of or pertaining to polity, or civil government; political; as, the body politic. See under Body.


ملکی ۔ ریاستی ۔ سیاسی ۔
(1) - Political (a.) Politic; wise; also, artful.
(2) - Political (a.) Of or pertaining to a party, or to parties, in the state; as, his political relations were with the Whigs.
(3) - Political (a.) Of or pertaining to public policy, or to politics; relating to affairs of state or administration; as, a political writer.
(4) - Political (a.) Having, or conforming to, a settled system of administration.


سیاسی طور پر ۔
(1) - Politically (adv.) Politicly; artfully.
(2) - Politically (adv.) In a political manner.