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Abuse meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بد سلوکی کرنا ۔ گالی دینا ۔ ناجائز فائدہ اٹھانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Abuse (v. t.) Violation; rape; as, abuse of a female child.
(2) - Abuse (v. t.) Vituperative words; coarse, insulting speech; abusive language; virulent condemnation; reviling.
(3) - Abuse (v. t.) A corrupt practice or custom; offense; crime; fault; as, the abuses in the civil service.
(4) - Abuse (v. t.) Physical ill treatment; injury.
(5) - Abuse (v. t.) Improper treatment or use; application to a wrong or bad purpose; misuse; as, an abuse of our natural powers; an abuse of civil rights, or of privileges or advantages; an abuse of language.
(6) - Abuse (v. t.) To deceive; to impose on.
(7) - Abuse (v. t.) To violate; to ravish.
(8) - Abuse (v. t.) To dishonor.
(9) - Abuse (v. t.) To revile; to reproach coarsely; to disparage.
(10) - Abuse (v. t.) To use ill; to maltreat; to act injuriously to; to punish or to tax excessively; to hurt; as, to abuse prisoners, to abuse one's powers, one's patience.
(11) - Abuse (v. t.) To put to a wrong use; to misapply; to misuse; to put to a bad use; to use for a wrong purpose or end; to pervert; as, to abuse inherited gold; to make an excessive use of; as, to abuse one's authority.

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