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Abutment meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پایہ ستون ۔ جس پر کوئی محراب نہ ہو ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Abutment (n.) In breech-loading firearms, the block behind the barrel which receives the pressure due to recoil.
(2) - Abutment (n.) A fixed point or surface from which resistance or reaction is obtained, as the cylinder head of a steam engine, the fulcrum of a lever, etc.
(3) - Abutment (n.) The solid part of a pier or wall, etc., which receives the thrust or lateral pressure of an arch, vault, or strut.
(4) - Abutment (n.) That on or against which a body abuts or presses
(5) - Abutment (n.) State of abutting.

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