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Alien meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

غیر ۔ غیر ملکی ۔ پردیسی ۔ الگ ۔ مختلف ۔ علیحدہ ۔ بے جوڑ ۔ جدا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Alien (v. t.) To alienate; to estrange; to transfer, as property or ownership.
(2) - Alien (n.) One excluded from certain privileges; one alienated or estranged; as, aliens from God's mercies.
(3) - Alien (n.) A foreigner; one owing allegiance, or belonging, to another country; a foreign-born resident of a country in which he does not possess the privileges of a citizen. Hence, a stranger. See Alienage.
(4) - Alien (a.) Wholly different in nature; foreign; adverse; inconsistent (with); incongruous; -- followed by from or sometimes by to; as, principles alien from our religion.
(5) - Alien (a.) Not belonging to the same country, land, or government, or to the citizens or subjects thereof; foreign; as, alien subjects, enemies, property, shores.

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