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Ampulla meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کوئی صُراحی یا صُراحی نُما ۔ امپول ۔ بَند نَلی ۔ فَراخہ کُپّی ۔ پھُکنا ۔ فَراخَہ ۔ امپُولا ۔ گول سی بوتَل ۔ کھوکھلی صُراحی نُما پَتّا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Ampulla (n.) Any membranous bag shaped like a leathern bottle, as the dilated end of a vessel or duct; especially the dilations of the semicircular canals of the ear.
(2) - Ampulla (n.) The vase in which the holy oil for chrism, unction, or coronation is kept.
(3) - Ampulla (n.) A cruet for the wine and water at Mass.
(4) - Ampulla (n.) A narrow-necked vessel having two handles and bellying out like a jug.

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