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Bray meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

گدھے یا ترم کی آواز ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Bray (n.) A bank; the slope of a hill; a hill. See Brae, which is now the usual spelling.
(2) - Bray (n.) The harsh cry of an ass; also, any harsh, grating, or discordant sound.
(3) - Bray (v. t.) To make or utter with a loud, discordant, or harsh and grating sound.
(4) - Bray (v. i.) To make a harsh, grating, or discordant noise.
(5) - Bray (v. i.) To utter a loud, harsh cry, as an ass.
(6) - Bray (v. t.) To pound, beat, rub, or grind small or fine.

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