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Camp meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

خیصہ خرگاہ ۔ فوجی پڑاؤ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Camp (n.) To play the game called camp.
(2) - Camp (v. i.) To pitch or prepare a camp; to encamp; to lodge in a camp; -- often with out.
(3) - Camp (v. t.) To afford rest or lodging for, as an army or travelers.
(4) - Camp (n.) An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England.
(5) - Camp (n.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost; -- called also burrow and pie.
(6) - Camp (n.) The company or body of persons encamped, as of soldiers, of surveyors, of lumbermen, etc.
(7) - Camp (n.) A single hut or shelter; as, a hunter's camp.
(8) - Camp (n.) A collection of tents, huts, etc., for shelter, commonly arranged in an orderly manner.
(9) - Camp (n.) The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc.

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