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Caper meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جنوبی یورپ کی خاردار جھاڑی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Caper (n.) A plant of the genus Capparis; -- called also caper bush, caper tree.
(2) - Caper (n.) The pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper (Capparis spinosa), much used for pickles.
(3) - Caper (n.) A vessel formerly used by the Dutch, privateer.
(4) - Caper (n.) A frolicsome leap or spring; a skip; a jump, as in mirth or dancing; a prank.
(5) - Caper (v. i.) To leap or jump about in a sprightly manner; to cut capers; to skip; to spring; to prance; to dance.

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