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Coin meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

سکہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Coin (v. i.) To manufacture counterfeit money.
(2) - Coin (v. t.) To acquire rapidly, as money; to make.
(3) - Coin (v. t.) To make or fabricate; to invent; to originate; as, to coin a word.
(4) - Coin (v. t.) To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal; to mint; to manufacture; as, to coin silver dollars; to coin a medal.
(5) - Coin (n.) That which serves for payment or recompense.
(6) - Coin (n.) A piece of metal on which certain characters are stamped by government authority, making it legally current as money; -- much used in a collective sense.
(7) - Coin (n.) A quoin; a corner or external angle; a wedge. See Coigne, and Quoin.

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