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Compass meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

گردا ۔ احاطہ ۔ چکر ۔ گھیرا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Compass (v. t.) To purpose; to intend; to imagine; to plot.
(2) - Compass (v. t.) To curve; to bend into a circular form.
(3) - Compass (v. t.) To reach round; to circumvent; to get within one's power; to obtain; to accomplish.
(4) - Compass (v. t.) To inclose on all sides; to surround; to encircle; to environ; to invest; to besiege; -- used with about, round, around, and round about.
(5) - Compass (v. t.) To go about or entirely round; to make the circuit of.
(6) - Compass (n.) A circle; a continent.
(7) - Compass (n.) A pair of compasses.
(8) - Compass (n.) An instrument for determining directions upon the earth's surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon a pivot and pointing in a northerly and southerly direction.
(9) - Compass (n.) The range of notes, or tones, within the capacity of a voice or instrument.
(10) - Compass (n.) Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; -- used with within.
(11) - Compass (n.) Extent; reach; sweep; capacity; sphere; as, the compass of his eye; the compass of imagination.
(12) - Compass (n.) An inclosed space; an area; extent.
(13) - Compass (n.) An inclosing limit; boundary; circumference; as, within the compass of an encircling wall.
(14) - Compass (n.) A passing round; circuit; circuitous course.

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