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Country meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ملک ۔ وطن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Country (a.) Pertaining, or peculiar, to one's own country.
(2) - Country (a.) Destitute of refinement; rude; unpolished; rustic; not urbane; as, country manners.
(3) - Country (a.) Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city.
(4) - Country (adv.) The rock through which a vein runs.
(5) - Country (adv.) The inhabitants of the district from which a jury is drawn.
(6) - Country (adv.) A jury, as representing the citizens of a country.
(7) - Country (adv.) The inhabitants or people of a state or a region; the populace; the public. Hence: (a) One's constituents. (b) The whole body of the electors of state; as, to dissolve Parliament and appeal to the country.
(8) - Country (adv.) Rural regions, as opposed to a city or town.
(9) - Country (adv.) A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with a personal pronoun) the region of one's birth, permanent residence, or citizenship.

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