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Crew meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مانجھی ۔ ملاح ۔ گروہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Crew (imp.) of Crow
(2) - Crew () imp. of Crow
(3) - Crew (n.) In an extended sense, any small body of men associated for a purpose; a gang; as (Naut.), the carpenter's crew; the boatswain's crew.
(4) - Crew (n.) The company of seamen who man a ship, vessel, or at; the company belonging to a vessel or a boat.
(5) - Crew (n.) A company of people associated together; an assemblage; a throng.
(6) - Crew (n.) The Manx shearwater.

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