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Dainty meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

خوش ذائقہ ۔ مزیدار ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Dainty (superl.) Requiring dainties. Hence: Overnice; hard to please; fastidious; squeamish; scrupulous; ceremonious.
(2) - Dainty (superl.) Nice; delicate; elegant, in form, manner, or breeding; well-formed; neat; tender.
(3) - Dainty (superl.) Delicious to the palate; toothsome.
(4) - Dainty (superl.) Rare; valuable; costly.
(5) - Dainty (n.) A term of fondness.
(6) - Dainty (n.) That which is delicious or delicate; a delicacy.
(7) - Dainty (n.) Value; estimation; the gratification or pleasure taken in anything.

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