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Deflagrate meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

نذر آتش کرنا ۔ جلا دینا ۔ پُھونک دینا ۔ اچانک آگ پکڑ لینا اور تیزی سے جلنے لگنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Deflagrate (v. t.) To cause to burn with sudden and sparkling combustion, as by the action of intense heat; to burn or vaporize suddenly; as, to deflagrate refractory metals in the oxyhydrogen flame.
(2) - Deflagrate (v. i.) To burn with a sudden and sparkling combustion, as niter; also, to snap and crackle with slight explosions when heated, as salt.

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