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Dendrite meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

شجریہ ۔ شجری پتھر ۔ شاخ دار نقوش والا پتھر ۔ شاخ دَر شاخ رَیشے ۔ جِسَم کے مُختَلِف حِصّوں کے خُلیوں سے نِکَلتے ہَیں ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Dendrite (n.) A stone or mineral on or in which are branching figures resembling shrubs or trees, produced by a foreign mineral, usually an oxide of manganese, as in the moss agate; also, a crystallized mineral having an arborescent form, e. g., gold or silver; an arborization.

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