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Disk meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ڈِسک قُرص ۔ طبق ۔ ٹِکیہ ۔ سراون پھیرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Disk (n.) In owls, the space around the eyes.
(2) - Disk (n.) The lower side of the body of some invertebrates, especially when used for locomotion, when it is often called a creeping disk.
(3) - Disk (n.) The anterior surface or oral area of coelenterate animals, as of sea anemones.
(4) - Disk (n.) A part of the receptacle enlarged or expanded under, or around, or even on top of, the pistil.
(5) - Disk (n.) The central part of a radiate compound flower, as in sunflower.
(6) - Disk (n.) The whole surface of a leaf.
(7) - Disk (n.) A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disk; germinal disk, etc.
(8) - Disk (n.) The circular figure of a celestial body, as seen projected of the heavens.
(9) - Disk (n.) A flat, circular plate; as, a disk of metal or paper.
(10) - Disk (n.) A discus; a quoit.

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