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Dredge meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

سیپوں کا جال ۔ کیچڑ نکالنا ۔ آٹا یا سفوف وغیرہ چھڑکنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Dredge (v. t.) To sift or sprinkle flour, etc., on, as on roasting meat.
(2) - Dredge (n.) A mixture of oats and barley.
(3) - Dredge (v. t.) To catch or gather with a dredge; to deepen with a dredging machine.
(4) - Dredge (n.) Very fine mineral matter held in suspension in water.
(5) - Dredge (n.) Any instrument used to gather or take by dragging; as: (a) A dragnet for taking up oysters, etc., from their beds. (b) A dredging machine. (c) An iron frame, with a fine net attached, used in collecting animals living at the bottom of the sea.

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