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Flicker meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

سانپ کی طرح حرکت کرنا ۔ وا سے پلنا ۔ پلنا جلنا ۔ پر جھاڑنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Flicker (n.) The golden-winged woodpecker (Colaptes aurutus); -- so called from its spring note. Called also yellow-hammer, high-holder, pigeon woodpecker, and yucca.
(2) - Flicker (n.) The act of wavering or of fluttering; flucuation; sudden and brief increase of brightness; as, the last flicker of the dying flame.
(3) - Flicker (v. i.) To waver unsteadily, like a flame in a current of air, or when about to expire; as, the flickering light.
(4) - Flicker (v. i.) To flutter; to flap the wings without flying.

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