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Hank meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پیچک ۔ انٹی ۔ لچھا ۔ بادبان ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hank (v. t.) To form into hanks.
(2) - Hank (v. t.) To fasten with a rope, as a gate.
(3) - Hank (n.) A ring or eye of rope, wood, or iron, attached to the edge of a sail and running on a stay.
(4) - Hank (n.) Hold; influence.
(5) - Hank (n.) A rope or withe for fastening a gate.
(6) - Hank (n.) A parcel consisting of two or more skeins of yarn or thread tied together.

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