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Nourish meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

پرورش کرنا ۔ پالنا ۔ تعلیم دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Nourish (n.) A nurse.
(2) - Nourish (v. i.) To gain nourishment.
(3) - Nourish (v. i.) To promote growth; to furnish nutriment.
(4) - Nourish (v. t.) To educate; to instruct; to bring up; to nurture; to promote the growth of in attainments.
(5) - Nourish (v. t.) To cherish; to comfort.
(6) - Nourish (v. t.) To supply the means of support and increase to; to encourage; to foster; as, to nourish rebellion; to nourish the virtues.
(7) - Nourish (v. t.) To support; to maintain.
(8) - Nourish (v. t.) To feed and cause to grow; to supply with matter which increases bulk or supplies waste, and promotes health; to furnish with nutriment.

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