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Organic meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

عضوی ۔ اعضأ کے متعلق ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Organic (a.) Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of the large series of substances which, in nature or origin, are connected with vital processes, and include many substances of artificial production which may or may not occur in animals or plants; -- contrasted with inorganic.
(2) - Organic (a.) Forming a whole composed of organs. Hence: Of or pertaining to a system of organs; inherent in, or resulting from, a certain organization; as, an organic government; his love of truth was not inculcated, but organic.
(3) - Organic (a.) Instrumental; acting as instruments of nature or of art to a certain destined function or end.
(4) - Organic (a.) Produced by the organs; as, organic pleasure.
(5) - Organic (a.) Of or pertaining to an organ or its functions, or to objects composed of organs; consisting of organs, or containing them; as, the organic structure of animals and plants; exhibiting characters peculiar to living organisms; as, organic bodies, organic life, organic remains. Cf. Inorganic.

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