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Overflow meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

سیلاب آنا ۔ چھلکنا ۔ بہہ نکلنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Overflow (n.) An outlet for the escape of surplus liquid.
(2) - Overflow (n.) That which flows over; a superfluous portion; a superabundance.
(3) - Overflow (n.) A flowing over, as of water or other fluid; an inundation.
(4) - Overflow (v. i.) To be superabundant; to abound.
(5) - Overflow (v. i.) To run over the bounds.
(6) - Overflow (v. t.) To flow over the brim of; to fill more than full.
(7) - Overflow (v. t.) To flow over; to cover woth, or as with, water or other fluid; to spread over; to inundate; to overwhelm.

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