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Pallium meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ایک قسم کا جبہ جو اہل علم روم میں یونانیوں کی تقلید میں پہنتے ہیں ۔ علمی خلعت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pallium (n.) The mantle of a bird.
(2) - Pallium (n.) The mantle of a bivalve. See Mantle.
(3) - Pallium (n.) A band of white wool, worn on the shoulders, with four purple crosses worked on it; a pall.
(4) - Pallium (n.) A large, square, woolen cloak which enveloped the whole person, worn by the Greeks and by certain Romans. It is the Roman name of a Greek garment.

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