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Palmerworm meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

کملا ۔ پھونڈیلا ۔ بھورا ۔ سُرفہ ۔ تتلی کا لاروا ۔ کَملا ۔ بھونڈیلا ۔ بھورا ۔ سُرفہ ۔ تتلی کا لاروا ۔ سُرفہ مُودار ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Palmerworm (n.) In America, the larva of any one of several moths, which destroys the foliage of fruit and forest trees, esp. the larva of Ypsolophus pometellus, which sometimes appears in vast numbers.
(2) - Palmerworm (n.) Any hairy caterpillar which appears in great numbers, devouring herbage, and wandering about like a palmer. The name is applied also to other voracious insects.

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