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Pintail meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

شُمالی امریکی دَلدَل کی ایک مُرغابی جو پانی کی سَطَح سے خوراک حاصَل کَرتی ہے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pintail (n.) The sharp-tailed grouse of the great plains and Rocky Mountains (Pediocaetes phasianellus); -- called also pintailed grouse, pintailed chicken, springtail, and sharptail.
(2) - Pintail (n.) A northern duck (Dafila acuta), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also gray duck, piketail, piket-tail, spike-tail, split-tail, springtail, sea pheasant, and gray widgeon.

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