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Pollard meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

درخت جس کا اوپر کا حصہ کٹا ہو ۔ ٹنڈ ۔ سینگ کٹا جانور ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pollard (v. t.) To lop the tops of, as trees; to poll; as, to pollard willows.
(2) - Pollard (n.) A hornless animal (cow or sheep).
(3) - Pollard (n.) A stag that has cast its antlers.
(4) - Pollard (n.) A fish, the chub.
(5) - Pollard (n.) A clipped coin; also, a counterfeit.
(6) - Pollard (n.) A tree having its top cut off at some height above the ground, that may throw out branches.

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