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Postdate meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تاریخ ماہ بَعد کا بَنانا ۔ جَیسے ایک چِیچَک ۔ خَط پَر کوئی تاریخ ڈالنا ۔ تاخِیر سے آنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Postdate (n.) A date put to a bill of exchange or other paper, later than that when it was actually made.
(2) - Postdate (a.) Made or done after the date assigned.
(3) - Postdate (v. t.) To affix a date to after the event.
(4) - Postdate (v. t.) To date after the real time; as, to postdate a contract, that is, to date it later than the time when it was in fact made.

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