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Resort meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

گزرنا ۔ آجانا ۔ آمدورفت رکھنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Resort (v.) That to which one resorts or looks for help; resource; refuge.
(2) - Resort (v.) A place to which one betakes himself habitually; a place of frequent assembly; a haunt.
(3) - Resort (v.) The act of going to, or making application; a betaking one's self; the act of visiting or seeking; recourse; as, a place of popular resort; -- often figuratively; as, to have resort to force.
(4) - Resort (v. i.) To have recourse; to apply; to one's self for help, relief, or advantage.
(5) - Resort (v. i.) To fall back; to revert.
(6) - Resort (v. i.) To go; to repair; to betake one's self.
(7) - Resort (n.) Active power or movement; spring.

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