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Rumble meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

گڑگڑانا ۔ گڑگڑ کرنا ۔ گرج ۔ گڑ گڑ اہٹ ۔ تہہ تک پہنچنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Rumble (v. t.) To cause to pass through a rumble, or shaking machine. See Rumble, n., 4.
(2) - Rumble (n.) A rotating cask or box in which small articles are smoothed or polished by friction against each other.
(3) - Rumble (n.) A seat for servants, behind the body of a carriage.
(4) - Rumble (n.) A low, heavy, continuous sound like that made by heavy wagons or the reverberation of thunder; a confused noise; as, the rumble of a railroad train.
(5) - Rumble (n.) A noisy report; rumor.
(6) - Rumble (v. i.) To murmur; to ripple.
(7) - Rumble (v. i.) To make a low, heavy, continued sound; as, the thunder rumbles at a distance.

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