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Spanker meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تھپکی دینے والا ۔ تیز رو گھوڑا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Spanker (n.) A small coin.
(2) - Spanker (n.) Something very large, or larger than common; a whopper, as a stout or tall person.
(3) - Spanker (n.) One who takes long, quick strides in walking; also, a fast horse.
(4) - Spanker (n.) The after sail of a ship or bark, being a fore-and-aft sail attached to a boom and gaff; -- sometimes called driver. See Illust. under Sail.
(5) - Spanker (n.) One who spanks, or anything used as an instrument for spanking.

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