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Teasel meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

پودے جس کے سروں پر گوکھو کے سے گچھے ہوتے ہیں ۔ کپڑے پر رواں اٹھانے کا آلہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Teasel (v. t.) To subject, as woolen cloth, to the action of teasels, or any substitute for them which has an effect to raise a nap.
(2) - Teasel (n.) Any contrivance intended as a substitute for teasels in dressing cloth.
(3) - Teasel (n.) A bur of this plant.
(4) - Teasel (n.) A plant of the genus Dipsacus, of which one species (D. fullonum) bears a large flower head covered with stiff, prickly, hooked bracts. This flower head, when dried, is used for raising a nap on woolen cloth.

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