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Tile meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

چکنی مٹی کا کھیرا ۔ تارس ۔ نرما ۔ ٹاٹل ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tile (v. t.) Fig.: To cover, as if with tiles.
(2) - Tile (v. t.) To cover with tiles; as, to tile a house.
(3) - Tile (n.) A stiff hat.
(4) - Tile (n.) A draintile.
(5) - Tile (n.) A small, flat piece of dried earth or earthenware, used to cover vessels in which metals are fused.
(6) - Tile (n.) A plate of metal used for roofing.
(7) - Tile (n.) A small slab of marble or other material used for flooring.
(8) - Tile (n.) A plate, or thin piece, of baked clay, used for covering the roofs of buildings, for floors, for drains, and often for ornamental mantel works.
(9) - Tile (v. t.) To protect from the intrusion of the uninitiated; as, to tile a Masonic lodge.

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