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Tragopan meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

کبک ؛ اِسی نام و نسل کا ایشیائی تیتر ۔ درّاج ۔ جِس کے سَر پَر سینگ نُما اُبھرا ہُوا گوشت ہوتا ہے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tragopan (n.) Any one of several species of Asiatic pheasants of the genus Ceriornis. They are brilliantly colored with a variety of tints, the back and breast are usually covered with white or buff ocelli, and the head is ornamented with two bright-colored, fleshy wattles. The crimson tragopan, or horned pheasant (C. satyra), of India is one of the best-known species.

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