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Trammel meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مچھلی پکڑنے کا دو بڑے بھندوں کا جال ۔ روک ۔ اٹکاؤ ۔ قیود ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Trammel (v. t.) To confine; to hamper; to shackle.
(2) - Trammel (v. t.) To entangle, as in a net; to catch.
(3) - Trammel (n.) A beam compass. See under Beam.
(4) - Trammel (n.) An instrument for drawing ellipses, one part of which consists of a cross with two grooves at right angles to each other, the other being a beam carrying two pins (which slide in those grooves), and also the describing pencil.
(5) - Trammel (n.) An iron hook of various forms and sizes, used for handing kettles and other vessels over the fire.
(6) - Trammel (n.) Fig.: Whatever impedes activity, progress, or freedom, as a net or shackle.
(7) - Trammel (n.) A kind of shackle used for regulating the motions of a horse and making him amble.
(8) - Trammel (n.) A net for confining a woman's hair.
(9) - Trammel (n.) A kind of net for catching birds, fishes, or other prey.

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