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Urchin meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

شیریر لڑکا ۔ خار پشت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Urchin (a.) Rough; pricking; piercing.
(2) - Urchin (n.) One of a pair in a series of small card cylinders, arranged around a carding drum; -- so called from its fancied resemblance to the hedgehog.
(3) - Urchin (n.) A pert or roguish child; -- now commonly used only of a boy.
(4) - Urchin (n.) A mischievous elf supposed sometimes to take the form a hedgehog.
(5) - Urchin (n.) A sea urchin. See Sea urchin.
(6) - Urchin (n.) A hedgehog.

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