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Vail meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بخشش ۔ انعام ۔ کسی ناجائز کا م کا انعام ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Vail (n.) Submission; decline; descent.
(2) - Vail (v. i.) To yield or recede; to give place; to show respect by yielding, uncovering, or the like.
(3) - Vail (v. t.) To lower, or take off, in token of inferiority, reverence, submission, or the like.
(4) - Vail (v. t.) To let fail; to allow or cause to sink.
(5) - Vail (n.) Money given to servants by visitors; a gratuity; -- usually in the plural.
(6) - Vail (n.) An unexpected gain or acquisition; a casual advantage or benefit; a windfall.
(7) - Vail (n.) Avails; profit; return; proceeds.
(8) - Vail (n. & v. t.) Same as Veil.

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