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Vegetal meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

نَباتی ۔ پودے کی خاصیت رکھنے والا ۔ اِس قِسم کے حیاتی وظائف سے مُتعلِّق جو پودوں اور جانوروں میں مُشترَک ہیں ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Vegetal (n.) A vegetable.
(2) - Vegetal (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, that class of vital phenomena, such as digestion, absorption, assimilation, secretion, excretion, circulation, generation, etc., which are common to plants and animals, in distinction from sensation and volition, which are peculiar to animals.
(3) - Vegetal (a.) Of or pertaining to vegetables, or the vegetable kingdom; of the nature of a vegetable; vegetable.

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